Problèmes et questions sur les environnements graphiques et les applications.

Xfce - pb config lightdm et lightdm-gtk-greeter

#1Messageil y a 6 ans

Bonjour ,

ce fichier de config suivant ,

commence à me poser de sérieux problèmes ,
j'essaye en utilisant via le menu :
paramètres > apparence , pas de modification du fichier de config

paramètres > Lightdm GTK+ Paramètres d'Apparence

et voila le résultat

theme-name = Adwaita
icon-theme-name = Adwaita
xft-antialias = true
xft-rgba = rgb
background = 
xft-dpi = 96
font-name = Cantarell 10
indicators = ~host;~language;~layout;~clock;~spacer;~session;~a11y;~power
c'est à dire le fichier de config est modifié , sans sauvegarde et écrase d'autres paramètres utiles ,
notamment les lignes en commentaires

qui peut donc me communiquer un fichier correct ?

c'est tout de même anormal , par ce biais de faire n'importe quoi sans le moindre message d'erreur ou de modification via l'interface graphique

Xfce - pb config lightdm et lightdm-gtk-greeter

#2Messageil y a 6 ans


Je suis dans le même cas que toi, si ce n'est que j'avais conservé le .pacnew.

#  xft-dpi = Resolution for Xft in dots per inch (e.g. 96)
#  xft-hintstyle = none|slight|medium|hintfull  What degree of hinting to use
#  xft-rgba = none|rgb|bgr|vrgb|vbgr  Type of subpixel antialiasing
# Login window:
#  active-monitor = Monitor to display greeter window (name or number). Use #cursor value to display greeter at monitor with cursor. Can be a semicolon separated list
#  position = x y ("50% 50%" by default)  Login window position
#  default-user-image = Image used as default user icon, path or #icon-name
#  hide-user-image = false|true ("false" by default)
# Panel:
#  panel-position = top|bottom ("top" by default)
#  clock-format = strftime-format string, e.g. %H:%M
#  indicators = semi-colon ";" separated list of allowed indicator modules. Built-in indicators include "~a11y", "~language", "~session", "~power", "~clock", "~host", "~spacer". Unity indicators can be represented by short name (e.g. "sound", "power"), service file name, or absolute path
# Accessibility:
#  a11y-states = states of accessibility features: "name" - save state on exit, "-name" - disabled at start (default value for unlisted), "+name" - enabled at start. Allowed names: contrast, font, keyboard, reader.
#  keyboard = command to launch on-screen keyboard (e.g. "onboard")
#  keyboard-position = x y[;width height] ("50%,center -0;50% 25%" by default)  Works only for "onboard"
#  reader = command to launch screen reader (e.g. "orca")
#  at-spi-enabled = false|true ("true" by default) Enables accessibility at-spi-command if the greeter is built with it enabled
# Security:
#  allow-debugging = false|true ("false" by default)
#  screensaver-timeout = Timeout (in seconds) until the screen blanks when the greeter is called as lockscreen
# Template for per-monitor configuration:
#  [monitor: name]
#  background = overrides default value
#  user-background = overrides default value
#  laptop = false|true ("false" by default) Marks monitor as laptop display
#  transition-duration = overrides default value